The Academy

The Academy is the official United States Government technology academy. The Academy ensures a heightened computer experience for all American adults through a mandatory two year program that every citizen is required to participate in after they turn eighteen. Upon graduation, every student will receive their technology license and become legally able to purchase and operate their first cell phone and laptop computer.

Year One

In the first year of schooling, students will learn fundamental computer and smartphone skills and cyber defense techniques.

Year Two

In the second year, they will enter a vocational training sector. They can choose to learn technological skills required for their desired workforce.

Why The Academy?

In response to the 2020 worldwide terrorist data breach, the government deemed it too unsafe for children to access any and all technology. The national mandatory Academy was instituted to protect US citizens and teach everyone cyber self defense. Now that the Academy has been teaching students for 30 years, the world has adapted to increases in technological competence. In order to communicate with others, cook food, use transportation, and participate in retail spending, and engage in other daily activities, it is absolutely necessary to have a technology license.


"My time at the Academy changed my life. I entered a confused 18 year old, and left two years later with a complete understanding of how to effictively use technology to communicate with my elders and my peers. My post-graduation plan is to attend university and major in cybersecurity policy."

"The Academy has taught me how to survive on my own in this world. I absolutely loved learning about how to program my kitchen to cook. Cooking was an experience that I would have never been able to participate in without The Academy."

"Before The Academy, I struggled to fit in with my older siblings and parents. I would watch as they used their cell phones and talked to each other and I was always so left out. Now I can snapchat my family any time of the day. Our family dynamic has really improved."

How To Enroll

Enrolling your child into the Academy is extremely easy! Once your child turns 18, you can click to register them here . Anyone who turns 18 before August 1, 2050 will be entered into this year's Academy program. Anyone who turns 18 after August 1st will remain in high school for another before enrolling in 2051.

Click here to read the speculative fiction piece that inspired this page! The Academy.

Check out my classmates' stories! : Neocities.